Thursday, January 24, 2008

Surviving accidents

Not too sure why I am writing about this, but I felt it will be good to pen 2 near accidents that impacted me whilst I got into the regime of training for Triathlons. In 2004, when I joined Valuair airlines as the Manager for Crisis Planing, I was training earnestly for my first triathlon. That year I joined the tri familiy club for training sessions on Sundays. That year, I spent quite a fair bit of my time traveling and I was attending night classes at Nanyang Technological University as well. Swimming became my least practised disciplne, given the hectic schedule I had.

On one of these sessions the tri familiy folks arranged for a training session that had an 800 m swim 30 K bike ride and a 5 K run at Sentosa. That morning I arrived early at Tanjong Beach to join them for this training session. I was so cocky, I did not even bring a pair of googles with me me that day. I was excited, this was my first triathlon technically and I was all prepared to do well. When the swim started, all of us rushed into the shore and started the swim session like pros. I knew the distance was only 800m so I was keen to push hard that day. In the back of my mind I also wanted to reward myself after this training session with a pair of new wheels I had wanted to purchase. Between the front crawling pros and me a breast stroker, there was a fundamental difference. They had the stamina and skill, whilst I lack both the stamina and skill and compensated these critical competencies with absolute stupidity convoluted on andrenaline. I was sprinting just to keep pace with the other swimmers as we swam away from the shore line.

To describe my swim, I can compare it only to a run, where you sprint out in sheer madness for a 10 K race only to stop at 100 metres to catch your breath. Well I was catching my breath 100 m from the shoreline, having drank water, panicking and sinking into the water like a leaking canoe, there was nothing there to stand on, except, a sudden drop into the base of this lagoon.. I saw the marker as I struggled to breath in air and water .. it indicated 4 m. I sank in again and I realized, this time I may just drown. I will not forget this moment for at that momentous point, my son, my girl and my wife flashed across my mind. I had to stay calm and I knew that the sea will take me in if I panicked even more, I struggled up again and drank in more water, until I started to tread. I swam towards the shore until I could feel the sand below my feet. I looked in front, perplexed and relived as the other swimmers have already swam away and were on their way back. I was the only guy at the back. Made a decision to just swim slowly to complete this training session. No one knew what happened that day, as I became the last guy to come out of the water and rode my bike for 30K. I had a young boy who rode behind me. Finished the ride in good time and ran the 5 K distance slowly.

It felt good to finish a training session and I rewarded myself with an upgrade on my bike with asesories that cost me $1500. I took a cab back that day from Sentosa, and I also realised I was spared that sunday morning. I nearly drowned on that fateful day.

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