After 7 months of training, I dreaded this day, when I realized that the D day had arrived. However, August the month when I will hang everything else to dry, became convoluted with 2 critical project work that came our way. TeamworkBound was contracted to take on a 3 day leadership and experiential learning program for senior officer with the Ministry of Homeaffairs. Health Service Authority also contracted us to run their service and the train the trainer program. Hence, the month of August became incessantly a busy month for me and I neglected my training regime. I was not able to get to the pool as many times as I wished. Worst of all I did not even manage an open water swim. This race was important for many reasons, one of which is doing a Tri race with Francis Chow, a dear friend I knew as a 17 year old when we ran for school in Junior College. He was doing this ironman race for his late father and his mom. This was the first time his mom and sister were there to support him as well.

A truly inspirational guy who has never failed to awe me. He has finished a full ironman race, and one of the rare friends I have whom I have kept in touch for over 20 years. Likewise my training mate from secondary school whom I beat as 15 year old out ran me on this race, Young Seoung. This race was an exceptional event to say the least.
On the 2nd of September, I made the decision to follow through with the race I had painstakingly worked for and dreamed about.
Just before my wave of swimmers started, one chap was waving frantically asking for help. To our horror we saw his head dipping into the water only to emerge again. We shouted at the race officials to go and help him as we watched in horror wondering if we were going to witness death right before our eyes. The safety boat got to him on time and he was saved. My wave got the signal to start and there I went with a prayer to be safe as I started the 2 K swim. Even before I reached the first buoy, I realized what a big difference swimming in the sea meant. I panicked a bit as the strokes and breathing did not coordinate with the big waves that was hitting me each time I pulled up to breathe, using my breast strokes. Though I have been training in the pool using front crawl, the sea was not the place to experiment a new swimming stroke. I started to drink in water and I lost my breath too. I contemplated turning back, stopped swimming and treaded water for a while, until I summoned enough courage to carry on. It became a real struggle for me and it took me quite a while to get use to the strokes and the sea. As we swam east, the sun was rising and the only line of sight were swimmers heads and legs kicking wildly in front of you. I swam on and I realized that time was not on my side and I had just 1 hr 15 mins to complete the 2 K swim before I could potentially get kicked out of this race. I got kicked in the face a couple of times and finally I got used to the sea and the torture of just swimming and focusing on just one part of this race. That is to finish the swim. I did finish this part of the race and I did it in good time, a time of 52 minutes as I raced to my bike to start the cycling leg that will last a distance of 90 km.
I got to my bike and I sat on the floor to wear my biking shoes (T2 - sidi) that were 4 years old and only recently came apart on its soles 2 months ago. I was wearing a pair of shoes that were not the best or the latest.

That left with just one more leg to go and yes I had just one functional leg at that time when I transitioned to run. Landing on my right leg, sent a sharp pain veering up my knees as I struggled to understand what had gone wrong in a race that was going so right for me up to now.